Who's the Boss

Preventing Condensation
Condensation on inside window surfaces of an insulating unit is not an indication that the glass or insulating unit is defective. Under the right set of conditions it is possible to get condensation.

Such as:
•Inside window surface temperature falls below the dew-point temperature of the room.
•Poor air circulation within the home
•Room heating arrangements

•Open your windows as much as possible to allow the humidity to escape or purchase a dehumidifier, which greatly reduces the humidity inside a home.
•Vent clothes dryers, gas burners, etc. to the outdoors.
•Use kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans.
•Air out the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room during and after use by opening a window for a few minutes.Please refer to www.oee.nrcan.gc.ca for condensation prevention tips

Window Comparisons
Part 1 - The Frame

Windows vary dramatically in quality and price. Many people believe that all vinyl windows are basically the same, and that just isn’t the case.

Think about this…..no matter what you buy there are all different prices, qualities and life expectancies. Anything from socks, computers, cars, furniture, flooring, appliances etc, etc. Windows are no different. There are 2000 manufacturers in Canada and the quality varies just like with everything else. Remember there have been a lot of improvements to windows over the years. Here are the basic things to consider when choosing a window.

The Frame – What type of Vinyl is the frame made from? There are different technologies used to make vinyl windows. Blue/white technology, powder technology and pellet technology. There is also recycled and virgin vinyl. The latest and by far the best technology is pellet technology using virgin vinyl. Poly resins are added to the vinyl in some cases and they add significantly to the strength and durability of the window. Even the thickness of the vinyl walls are important, obviously, the thicker the better.

Some companies are using foam filled frames. You have to be very careful about the type of foam filling and which channels are filled. Keep in mind a window needs drainage to get rid of moisture. If the entire frame cavity is filled there is no way for the moisture to escape. Foam filling should be done with closed cell foam and some cavities should be left empty for drainage. The cavities that are filled should still have space left around the foam for drainage. Also keep in mind that almost all foam filled windows experience approximately 4” of shrinkage from the fusion welding process. This means that 4” from each corner has no foam once the window is fully built. The unfortunate part is that the homeowner would never know this unless they cut the window open.

Stay Tuned for our next article in the series “Window Comparisons Part 2 – The Glass”


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